Instead of like last year when I just randomly picked a word I liked and thought I could make it work, I chose to sit down and spend some time deciding on the year for 2017.
It was a process for me as I searched word of the year on Google and Pinterest. I started this process with some simple blog posts:
Christina 77 Star: How to Choose Your Guiding Word for Year
This led to some questions that were very helpful.
And I did follow the advice from her blog and looked at her Pinterest, and the websites she provided:
The only one that was really helpful with creating a word bank was her Pinterest. The other two are great once you know your word and can really connect with people. The other website, blog, that I used for my word bank is:
My best friend sent me this and I was able to create a very nice word bank.
So what is word for 2017?
Flourish to grow a or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.
People with higher ratios of positive to negative emotions are more likely to flourish in life.
Grab your brave self and get ready to flourish.
The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. - Psalm 92:12
And to help me make sure I use this word through out the year I have found some tools:
Lara Casey - 2017 Goal Setting Get Started
Sublime Reflection - I've Picked My Word Now What?
What's your word for 2017? What made you choose that word?
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