Friday, February 16, 2018

Kids Shouldn't Have Cancer Foundation

There is no label or word to describe a parent that loses a child because that's an unbearable thing that shouldn't even be happening, It leaves behind a hole that incapable of being filled. Almost every day there is a thought that nags me. How do mothers go on after losing their child? Could I do it?

The answer is that I would try to go on. Kimberly Wade would be the person that I would look up to for guidance in moving on if I have to that. Her sons, Jonny and Jacky, really changed how I handle things in my own life.

Kimberly and I first exchanged greetings in a planner group. Planner groups might be scoffed at in everyday life, but I have made some serious friendships this way! She was looking for stickers for her planner for different kinds of appointments. Her son was very recently diagnosed with neuroblastoma and she was looking for comfort in something she had turned to before the diagnoses.

Trust me, I know how that can feel. Being dealt painful news and trying so hard to keep your life looking normal or trying to find something to be happy about. Even if it's just an image on sticker paper to put in your planner. My brother, Bryant, actually had the same kind of cancer that Jonny had been diagnosed with and in my heart, I believed it was why Kimberly and I crossed paths. I started talking to Kimberly because of that. It wasn't the deep conversation and I wasn't expecting it to be. But she had someone else in her corner and later on she would become a true model for me.

Jonny was an excited little seven-year-old little boy who was looking forward to Christmas. Headaches that grew worse, leading up to the day after Christmas when Jonny was diagnosed with malignant brain tumor. He went through a five-hour brain surgery right after finding out the diagnosis. Jonny's faith never wavered through all the turmoil that this world dealt him. His faith in God continued regardless of his fears. He was baptized as he rededicated his life to the Lord. He just shined through his faith. A year went by and Jonny passed away on Christmas Eve. But Jonny's spirit to fight the terrible enemy lives on. "I don't want any other kid to have cancer." To read more about Jonny click here.

Kimberly and her husband have gone above and beyond to make Jonny's wish come true. They created the Kid Shouldn't Have Cancer Foundation. They are following the beliefs of Jonny, that he could make a difference. Jonny is changing lives even today through the foundation. Their mission is "to conquer pediatric cancer through research and political action, with an emphasis on responsible spending." Children are diagnosed with cancer 300,000 per year, 821 per day, and 2 per minute. Only 4% of the National Cancer Institute's budget goes toward pediatric cancer research. Their foundation is changing that already. They are taking it to a national level in hopes of pushing forward to find a cure for this horrible beast that is cancer. Also, check out Kimberly's book, Send Me Butterflies.

So please donate! You can give monthly or just simply the one time. All you have to do is go to the Kids Shouldn't Have Cancer Foundation website and click donations. After all, kids shouldn't have cancer.