Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2020 Word of the Year, Goals, Vision Board, Bucket List Items and Aspirations

Hey everyone! I'm glad you are here! How was your first week into the new year? Mine has been alright actually. I'm feeling better since we had the stomach virus right in the new year. But it's all good now. I have everything ready for this new year to be amazing for me!

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. - George Bernard Shaw

What is your word of the year? Have you decided? I promise it will set a theme for your year!
Last year I introduced you to my 2019 word of the year because I wanted to remember it and keep up with it just like I did in 2018. I feel like I lived up to my word. I really do. And a review of my 2019 word is coming! Because while it didn't seem joyful at the time in some parts, it is now!

So what's my word for 2020? Well, it is "create"!

I'm so excited to have this as my word this year! I want to create in so many ways this year! I actually was thinking of going with legacy or vision. But, something just felt too stiff with those words. I like movement in a word.
You know:

  • 2019 - Celebrate Joy
  • 2018 - Flourish
  • 2017 - Flourish - yeah I didn't take it seriously this year. I had to do it again.
Creating is often associated with crafting, but I want to go beyond that. I want to go above just creating content here. I want to go above creating recipes, gifts, and lists! I want to create memories, a healthy body, and a mindset that is willing to be open to anything.

So, I did create a vision board for this year, and I adore it! 

I love finding images for a vision board! It's a gift unto itself to be able to create an image that makes you smile and feel inspired at the same time.

You now know the word and have seen the vision what are the goals? I do not share all of my goals, because do like to keep most of them private. But, I like to share a few each year! 

  • Create a grateful heart for savoring and celebrating every day! Gratitude is key to realizing things about your life and about yourself. I also feel like it helps you celebrate mundane days. The days that are just simple need celebrating too! I also like to keep a gratitude journal now as well!
  • Create the light of Christ in me and in others. I want a stronger relationship with God. I want to know Him so well! I want to be a light unto others also! I want them to have the fire that I do!
  • Create a balanced and simplified haven at work. I want structure yet balance self-care at work so that I do not succumb to burn out as often. 
These are just a few of the goals for this year and yes, I started all of my goals this year with my word of the year!

What about my verse for this year?

Now, thanks to the Simplified Planner I have a list of rather random things and wilder things that I would like to do in the year. A few from this year are:

  • Serve Day at our Church
  • Have dinner with my dad (this hasn't happened for a long time with just the two of us)
  • Go on a trip with my sisters
  • Go to a museum in Tuscaloosa
See, these are not hard to do, but more getting them nailed down is the issue. But, I am hoping that these happen this year!

This year I am adding Aspirations for the year. I also have a whole page dedicated to life aspirations, but having ones for a specific amount of time is a little different.

  • Achieve all of my goals
  • Discover new music
  • Read at least 20 Nonfiction books
  • Finish a Simplicity Challenge
  • Drink 64oz of water daily
I am not even close to half of these, but I wanted them written down. I have almost 20 of them for the year!

What is your map for the year? And be sure to leave your word of the year below!

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