Wednesday, July 8, 2020

7 Updates About My Powersheets

Hey everyone! I hope you are having a great Wednesday. My day has been pretty good. I'm getting better though this year has been a hard one. My goals have even suffered from all of this like a lot of other people's have. But July brought a mark of halfway through the year!

Make sure your goals are what you want not what other people want for you.

Yes, a lot has changed since I posted about goals, vision boards, etc at the beginning of the year. It feels like a whole year has happened instead of six months. And reality only four of the months have been upside down. But what about my Powersheets have changed since that post at the beginning of the year?

1. I decided to go ahead and do the mid-year refresh with Lara Casey's Cultivate What Matters Team. I did not regret it. It felt good to just be honest with myself about what I wanted to work on for the rest of the year and the next three months! Because there are times it's just doing what I can to make it to the next day without going crazy! So, my goals really did change up this time.

2. With new goals came a new word of the year. Yes, you read that right. I changed my word of the year in the middle of the year! Creating just wasn't what I needed any more to really make progress in goals or even this year. This season is more about reminding myself to be authentic. To no get herded in with everyone else. To not think 'Well, the rest of the world is caving in I might as well too.' No, God made me unique and different for a reason and that voice will be heard. I will not give in to conformity, but rather I will indulge in diversity! We do not all have to believe and agree about everything thank goodness!

3. As I have mentioned my goals have now changed. Some still stayed the same but with new action steps and new Bible verses to go along with them. I'm excited because I really feel like these are goals that I can really accomplish instead of big broad goals that aren't as easily accomplished. I wanted to have goals that I was proud to share with others. Goals that said this is me. This is where I want to be at the end of this time period. Not goals that say well this is the same old me that you are going to see struggling the same way like always. This time I feel more like me!

4. This is the first year I feel like I have not lived up to the Powersheet potential. I know others have felt like that too. I first noticed my heart wasn't into April's Tending List page, but I trucked along. I was in terrible depression and anxiety at that point. It was awful for me. Then May came and life returned slightly back to normal, but my May Tending List page didn't feel right either. It felt like I was struggling to make it look good. Then June happened. June was when I did just give up on a lot of things. My anxiety was higher than it had ever been, and I crashed at the end of it. I hated looking at my June Tending List page with its dull colors and hollow words. That's why I embraced the mid-year refresh with open arms!

5. One of the things Lara Casey says is to put your Tending List where you can see it. What happens if you don't like your tending list? Well, you hide it. If you can't stand to look at it, you will not want anyone else to see it. But with this refresh mine are proudly stored on my desk now. I am literally opening up my Powersheets on a daily bases now! I'm so excited to mark in them and plan!

6. Who knew that themes mattered to me so much? Well, I should have but anxiety and depression rob you of yourself. And they did me. But pulling out stickers and different colored felt tip pens got me right back where I needed to be in the world of color, foil, and stickers! I love stickers so much! They just add so much dept to anything in my opinion. So, yes more stickers in my Powersheets is another update that I'm loving for my Powersheets.

7. This is the last thing about my Powersheets for today. They reminded me of who I am. It's important to remember who you are. Everyone is so unique. Trending on Instagram and Twitter only matters to those really making money off of it. Just be you. Just be yourself. Have morals, values, and God and everything will fall into place like it should.

I am praying for you. I hope you find your purpose in your Powersheets. I hope that if you are reading this wanting to know how to refresh your year that this helps. What are some of your goals?

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