Friday, July 17, 2015

Mini Currents 07. 17. 15

Seven Months until I'm walking down the aisle towards Vinny! Wedding stuff is about to become crazy for me! Lucky I have the best bridal team in the history of the whole world so I'm not a bridezilla. I love doing things for my wedding and I have never felt like this is too stressful.

Being off today was fabulous. I feel like I accomplished a lot. I am rereading Harry Potter series and I finished up the third book today and I have made it through a good part of the fourth one. Reading kind of kept me sane. Plus I have worked on my blog some. I cleaned. It's just been odds and ends stuff for me today.

Also Ipsy was delivered to me and it has been by far my favorite Ipsy in awhile!

More information about my currents and Mini Currents: Why Currents
And the path to find my old Currents: Currents


Favorite Beauty Product:

Kate Spade Walk On Air

Favorite Hair Product:

LULU BEAUTY Satin Pillow Case

Favorite Food of the Day: 

Chicken and dressing

Favorite Song:

Favorite Line from the book I'm reading:

“Don't let the muggles get you down.”

Favorite Pin I Found on Pinterest or Favorite YouTube Video of the day:

Favorite thing taking place in the future:


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