Why I Blog

Hey everyone! I have had an interesting day, to say the least. It has rained in Alabama, and tomorrow we are getting on the ark. That's just a little joke because we have had some serious rain and so many towns and cities are flooding. And it hasn't stopped raining at all today except for maybe an hour to an hour and a half.

Why do I blog? Why do I take time out of my day to share things with you?

Blogging isn't to me what it is for everyone else. Some see it as a diary and some see it as a paycheck. I see it in many different ways. I see it as learning more about myself, sharing what I've learned and loved, gathering information on certain topics, and creating.

When I first sat down and created this blog it was all favorites and subscriptions that I had. It is pretty funny looking back at my post written since I was just a few years out of college with a pretty naive sense of mind. I was all for thinking flocks of people would find my blog and just love on it. I took a step back on subscriptions by far now, but you can still find favorites.

Learning about myself through my blog has been interesting. One of the biggest things I've learned was that I was terrible about giving myself grace about getting something done. I would have rathered thrown together about six sentences and slapped a graphic on there rather than spend time with my family (which is what I wanted to do.) I can look through the old posts and see that my heart wasn't in it or that I rushed through just to say that I had it done.

Sharing things that I've learned is a new lesson as well. I realize that maybe another blogger can share about her gloomy day just as well as me. But, we may present it differently. One of my favorite memes/quotes that float around in crafting groups talks about how when you go down the bread aisle there are all these loaves of bread. And there are about 3-5 companies selling you the same thing! What makes you pick loaf bread you are buying? Ingredients? Price? Packaging? What to remember is that someone may have the same subject but you can bring it in a different way than them.

Sharing what I've learned to love is so easy for me. I could talk your ears off about things that I love in this world. The Lord God has been so abundant with my blessings in this life on earth. I do hope that I show the things I love in good lighting and such. I want to really showcase what has helped me in this or at least things that I've enjoyed.

Gathering information on certain topics is still somewhat new on my blog. I know that I gather information for favorites and things like that but I'm learning to talk about more than just products. I like to talk about experiences and different events. I love to learn so gathering information is so much fun for me. Part of the next part is creating a way to showcase that information to you so that you can enjoy my posts!

As mentioned above the creating aspect is what I love to do the most. I love listing and making graphics. And that's a huge part of my blogging ways! I make a list for almost every single post, especially as of October! Even this post had a list! I find that blogging is a huge creative outlet for me. It helps me create in ways that I've never thought about before and it holds me accountable to be creative on a weekly basis!

Who are some of your favorite bloggers and why?

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