February Fun List

Hey everyone! Today I'm sharing February Fun List. I'm all about seasonal living and celebrating! These are some things to do in February!

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

When I think or see anything heart-shaped now, I think of the person that used to be my best friend's best friend. This girl was known for hearts, and even though she has passed she sends us all hearts that we can share with her friends and family. Her family loves to get hearts from us, actually. 

I never even knew Brandy, but I see the wonderful effect she had on people because they still miss her tremendously. They keep her memory alive so well. So well, that I wish I had known her! This blog post is dedicated to her because there will be lots of hearts! And, a perfect challenge from February with her in mind! 

  • Go or watch ice skating - If it is an Olympic year then this will be easy. If you live somewhere near an ice skating arena this will be easy. And if you have the internet this will be easy. I love watching ice skating. It really is art at it's finest.

  • Do a cardio exercise three times a week - First off, you've got to find something cardio that you love! And why do cardio more in February? It's American Heart Association Awareness! Get that blood pumping this month!

  • Handmake valentines - Sure, paw patrol ones are fun to write your name on for your classmates, but making Valentines for the teacher with a doily and glitter is amazing! Oh, and construction paper and glue need to be involved too!

  • Make and/or eat heart-shaped food - This can be a heart-shaped pizza you make! Or it can be a heart-shaped pizza you buy! It could be doughnuts bought or it could be bacon folded and cooked to look like a heart. (This might be another reason to add in some cardio this month!)

  • Look for hearts in nature - Here it is! The Brandy challenge! Find heart-shaped things in nature. Rocks, branches, ice patches, or mushrooms budding out the ground! Take pictures of them and remember that someone is smiling down on you!

  • Write a love note to someone - If you have a significant other that's great, let them know how much you love them. If you don't turn to your family and let them know how much they mean to you. Turn to a friend that's had your back in all your needs. The barista that makes that perfect latte for you? Don't confess dying love for her (unless you do love her) but let her know that she brightens your day!
  • Watch or read a love story - This is the easiest one! Disney movies, Hallmark movies, Romantic comedies... Just watch a love story! Read one too and I'm not even going to name good ones there because we all are different when it comes to love stories.

  • Wear pink and red - I wear as much pink and red that I can this month! It's so much to even pair the two of them together! Light pink with a true red is gorgeous!

  • Watch A Ballerina's Tale - It's Black History month and I enjoy this story! It's beautiful! It's a strong woman in a world of uncertainty! I love it as does my dancing daughter who loves to fight for her friends' dreams as well as her own.

  • Buy new dental floss - I was informed when making this that this wasn't fun. I, however, disagree! But, Coco Floss is changing that! This is not a sponsored post by them. I saw their ad and was intrigued! It's amazing! 

In case you've missed them, here are previous month's Fun Lists:

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