Thankful Thursday, November 19, 2015

What's up ya'll? It is Thursday again already! Wow this month is really flying by! I mean hello did it not just seem like I was writing my first Thankful Thursday? And we are now on our third week! Soon it will be the fourth, which means the big day of being thankful!

I thank my God every time I remember you,  always praying with joy for all of you. - Philippians 1:3-4

First on my list this week is slightly cliche, but I am really grateful for this. My family, who really is my backbone. Not just the family I grew up with, or the family that I have now. I mean all of my family, friends, cousins, aunts, uncles. I am very grateful that we might fight and bicker, but it's our way of love. And we stand unitedly together. We are each other's safety net.

Secondly, my best friend... I know you are probably tire of hearing about her on here because I talk about her a lot. But I don't know where I would be without my best friend. We spend hours together, talking, brainstorming, swapping ideas, and coming up with unforgettable memories. Jessica, is the one of the few people I trust with just about any secret I have. 

The safety of the Lord. I feel at peace even with all the world's events going on. God gives me the peace I need to just let go and be. I know I have already said that I am grateful for the gift of prayer. But I am also thankful for the peace the Lord gives me in times of need. 

Memories of my Mewmaw are on my list this week. Many of the memories don't have a true significance other than I smile when thinking about them. Like the time she bought me and my cousin water guns and we soaked my brothers and his sisters. Just a lot of memories have hit and sometimes I just feel like curling up and crying, I know that isn't what she would want me to do. 

Medicine is on my my list this week because I have been dealing with sinus crud that has really been annoying. I mean me and my left nostril have went rounds because it decides when it wants to build up and dry up. And finally it decided to throw a tantrum and run and run down the back of my throat! But thanks to Mucinex I am keeping it at bay! YAY!

My amazing coworkers have really shown me love and support all year long. I have had coworkers in the past come back into my life this year and they have been there for me. From being at my Mewmaw's funeral to having my back when there is an argument at work. My new coworkers are amazing. They put up with working for me and with me. They are a good Christian bunch and have a really good attitude.

And last but not least for this week I am grateful for the chance to go on vacation with my family. So many families either can't do that or some don't even want to do get together. Sometimes our family members do something that we aren't proud of and that's ok. They are human just like you are. I am grateful that God gave me the family that He did. Even if they do streak from time to time.

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