Thankful Thursday 2017 - Week Two

Welcome back to another week of Thankful Thursdays! This is week two! If you don't know what Thankful Thursdays are on my blog, refer to this blog post. There are always so many blessings right in front of us; we just have to open our eyes and hearts to receive them. So what am I thankful for this past week?

Some friends may ruin you, but a real friend will be more loyal than a brother. - Proverbs 18:24

  1. One of the things that I am so grateful for is running. The other day while at the doctor's, I saw a man who was missing his legs. It was rather shocking to me, and I rubbed my legs while I watched him wheel away. There are so many times where I am not thankful enough for the limbs that easily carry me from point a to point b. And even more so when I put them through endurance of a marathon or a half marathon.
  2. Christmas is already here, and that doesn't mean I don't love Thanksgiving any less. It just means I choose to be holly jolly and dreaming of a white Christmas while being thankful for my family. Christmas is something I am grateful for each year. I love the small things like the ornaments my mewmaw gave me, making Santa whisker cookies, doing Advent with my friends and kids. Just those simple things make me so excited and grateful for the Christmas season.
  3. While A Pop of Jess is my dearest best friend. There is someone who has been semi in the shadows for a long time as a friend. You'll start hearing about him more and more now. He's been my friend since I moved back to Alabama in 2013. Chris Raposo has been the one to run with me before anyone else would. We share so many things together, and now? Well we are sharing a life. I'm grateful for God giving my a friend and someone to love like him.
  4. Traveling is something I love doing. But coming home is even more rewarding sometimes. I am so grateful to have so many safe travels. Returning home from Florida and to then turn around arrive in California safely is something I'm grateful for. There are many people who never know the true joy of traveling, regardless of delays and such. Just be grateful to not stare at the same four walls.
  5. Work friends are hard to come by in life these days. Many are just nice to you so that the day will go on. However, I'm thankful that I have not only one, but two awesome work friends. We laugh together, hangout together, fuss together, and eat together. It's rather nice when you have friends at work that make the work day so much more bearable.
  6. Remember how I said A Pop of Jess was my dearest friend? Well she made it on this list! She has made me feel not crazy in times when other people have made me feel like I'm losing it. She has taken care of me. Joined in on my crazy adventures. Been there to listen during problems or new addictions. I cannot get enough of my best friend Jessica. Thinking about how amazing she is and the fact that she doesn't realize it, is bringing tears to my eyes right now. She endures so much and is still there for everyone else.
  7. Embracing my creativity more is something that I am thanking God for this year. I really feel like I have stepped out of my comfort zone to try and create things this year. From making glittery ornaments, to modge podge ornaments, a common place book and learning how to woodburn ornaments as well. I love it so much and I'm thankful for the skill as well.
What are you thankful for this week?

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