Review: GlamGlow

I love that Grimmie was on TVD!!!

It's taking over the beauty/skincare people. It intrigued a lot of people including myself with it's rave reviews. So for a girl that is a stickler about her skin care this was a much try. The real winner for me was when Nina Dobrev said she used it. So why not? It's the GlamGlow Skin Mask

I bought mine from Sephora. This is the link to the one I bought: HERE. This one has the Supermud and the Youthmud. I watched a couple of videos and I was excited to try it even more after all the hype. Now one thing I love that the Youth mud claims it is to keep skin looking young. If you know me well, you know I use night cream because I refuse to get premature skin around eyes and my neck where wrinkles first appear.

So I decided to get a cheap make up brush to apply mine. I think some other people have done the same because who wants product under your finger nails? I also don't like having to wash my hands 3 times to get it all off of my hands. So I placed everything on my bathroom vanity. The things I used were: a cheap foundation brush, another cheap foundation brush, the masks, and Kleenex hands towels. Then I cleansed my face.

I began putting a light coat of it on my face with one of the foundation brushes. I suggest going back over your problem areas and around your nose with the Supermud. The smell is very minty it isn't unpleasant at all. There are green tea leaves that will be there but it's not a big concern most face masks have particles in them. It immediately started drying. It wasn't too bad of a tingly sensation, some of the other ones have had a lot worse in my opinion. It starts to really go after any acne that you have or were beginning to have it starts drying almost instantly.  

You need to wait 20 minutes. The mud will turn considerably lighter. The thing that got me though? Oh you could see my pores and the junk it had pulled out as it tightened on my face. It was really gross to me, but at the same time I was jumping up and down knowing the product had work. Now while the mask is still on your face will become considerably tight and it almost feels like you can't smile. This wasn't a problem for me I painted my toes while I was waiting for mine to dry. I rinsed it off and my face looked so much better and the acne already looked better.

Now I decided that since I used one mask already I would wait and use the other one at a later time. I decided to try the week after. This time I used it on a Saturday morning and I did the same process.

I put a layer of the Youthmud on my face. I paid close attention to around my eyes and under my chin. I made a very thin layer everywhere else. Same thing happened. Started drying instantly and I felt like it was deep cleaning my skin. After the 20 minute marker I washed it off and oh my did my skin feel so soft.

Now will I be repurchasing? Yes without a doubt. This will part of my monthly deep clean. I will use the Youth each week.

People say that there are products on the market that do the same thing for less money are kidding themselves. Nothing vacuums your pores likes this does! You go ahead and think your pores are cleaned with.

GlamGlow has recently come out with a mask for people with dry skin so everyone has something. Also I am going to purchasing the eye mask that is for brightening eyes.

Vin loved this more than other mask I have slapped on him. He was very excited that his acne cleared up. He said would be using the Supermud each week. But he is a guy so he is allowed to do that. 

He isn't the only guy using it....
One of my favorite musicians uses this too!

Michael Buble uses GlamGlow!!!

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