Blogmas Day 23: The Last Day on Duty: Story of an Elf on the Shelf

Happy Christmas Eve everyone! You'll find me working today, but it's okay we are partying it up! There is a senator here cooking us biscuits and gravy, and they are delicious. My kids are rather sad to know that it's their elves' last day of shenanigans until November of next year. The elves left an interesting note for them this morning; about everything they have seen this year. So, I'll turn it over to them below.

“The Best Way To Spread Christmas Cheer, Is Singing Loud For All To Hear!” - Elf

Hey, everyone, I'm Queen Disney and he's Dobby! We are the Mallones' elves. We travel from the Northpole to Tuscaloosa several times during the Christmas season. We are always excited because our family likes to travel in December! They usually go to that place where we have a hard time keeping up with all of them. What's that place called again? Datney? Oh yeah, Disney World! I HAVE A WORLD! ("No, you don't, it's what you were named after!")

But, this year we were a little bummed BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T GO! We kept waiting and we had packed our sunscreen. We even had made some cute bracelets to match theirs! What a bust for us! But, maybe next year!

I am amazed at the fact that some of them and get up and run and nothing is chasing them. Especially their mother. I mean who runs that without a polar bear chasing them? Or the number one elf finding out you've had the last cookie when he wanted it? Or dodging fireballs from Heat Miser? I mean she just seems like she enjoys running for her life. She does it so fit too. I would be running like Kermit the frog if I was running for 5 to 10 miles like she does. And you know some of the kids get out there and run with her without being told to? I mean I hope they are getting a yummy eggnog milkshake in January for that. - Dobby

You know what I think is weird? Most of the other elves talk about their kids going to that prison place for kids. What is it called? School? Yeah! I'm glad we don't have to go to one of those prisons looking places. I think our kids still have what is called Homeschool. They get along great and help out their younger siblings and cousins! It is so nice to be at home surrounded by Christmas trees and Christmas music instead of those scaring looking building with the big blocks of cheese on wheels outside. - Queen Disney

I am just happy that our kids help clean the house. I mean they turn everything into a game in this house! Reminds me of the reindeers back home, who turn everything into a game and they even let Rudolph play now! I heard it on that song the other day. I mean who wouldn't love a game where whoever sweeps the most into the square wins. Or the floor mop shoes where you skate looks awesome too! I also like that 15 minutes shakedown where they have music play for fifteen minutes and things get put up while they dance! I sometimes want to get up and dance with them. - Dobby

Now, another thing I love is the playing that they do in this house! It's not about the gadgets in this house. They get up and move! I love the playground stuff they have and all those carts that they play house in. I mean it's so much fun to live in a train cart! Maybe, not where we live with is so cold, but here it is a blast! It makes me happy to see them playing together so well every day. I also noticed that one house has tiny critters in it! Did you see that? I mean all kinds of tiny critters living in houses and driving vans! And man can they multiply overnight! You know that's where I was hiding one morning with one of their cousins' elves. We were able to watch all the tiny critter city come alive! - Queen Disney

Have you noticed there are two new children? I know Santa told us there would be but these are kind of smelly! And, they cry and pout but Santa says that is okay since they are so small. I am ready for them to get big. Why would they get so small? I mean I would report to Santa for that child to be on the naughty list for smells and sights coming out of that loincloth on the one they call Noah. I almost tossed my sugar cookies! - Dobby

Oh, Dobby be nice! The children called babies! Besides, there are a lot of other sights you can put your eyes on! I mean this house is more decorated than Santa's house! All the garland, twinkling lights, music, Christmas villages, and oh man the trees here are huge and so plentiful! I mean if Santa put people on the naughty and nice list based on how decorated their house was this house would win! There is something here for everyone's taste! - Queen Disney

Yeah, I noticed that one wreath with this mixed match candles. They call that the Advent Wreath and they get around it each nice and read about the baby Jesus. You know even Santa kneels to him! I like the activities they do out of those Advent books they have! I like making cookies and cards! It's a lot of fun for us to hear the story of the baby who was born to save the world! I like that Santa says we can join in on that fun! - Dobby

Oh yes! I enjoyed the activity where our kids went and shopped for toys for kids who may not get a Christmas! Santa loves helping hands with his job. And these kids gave what they had to give the spirit of Christmas away! Oh, Dobby I just felt my heart grow watching them shop for toys! And then I love watching them wrap presents. Oh, so much tape was used! Head elf would not have let us wrap toys like that wasting tape. But, their mom said they are learning so it was okay! - Queen Disney!

I heard they are getting pizza tonight after they visit their church! I am excited. I know you, Queen Disney, are excited that they are bringing home a Chickfila nugget tray but I'm tired of Chickfila. I mean the mom eats it all the time. (Oh Dobby!) I'm excited about tomato and cheesy goodness! - Dobby

Dobby look! They are lighting candles in their hands and singing about a night that is silent and calm! Oh, what a beautiful sound and sight! - Queen Disney

Wow! Our kids are behaving and looking at the fire in their hands. What if they drop it? - Dobby

Then it's accident Dobby. It's not like they are not lighting each other on fire! - Queen Disney

I like that song earlier in this big room. ON MY DRUM!! Pa rum pum pum pum, Rum pum pum pum. - Dobby

And I think it is almost time for us to make the last trip of the year back to the Northpole. We have learned a lot this year and liked seeing our children have grown and the new ones that have joined even if Dobby thinks they are smelly!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Dobby and Queen Disney

P.S. Did you see they put a woman in red on a branch on the tree? Calling her Blanche on a Branch... I hope we aren't getting replaced. I'm so asking Santa about that! - Dobby

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